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Win boosting guides for Overwatch

Win boosting guides for Overwatch Posted on January 10, 2020

Searching for tips on how to increase your skill rating in Overwatch? Lucio is still an incredibly effective healer and is a good choice if he’s a preferred hero for you or your teammate. If a team is relying on a central damage-dealer, like a Bastion or set of tanks like Reinhardt and Zarya, he’s a great choice. Brigitte is a niche choice, but her healing can buff tanks and her shield bash can deal with annoying backline divers like Tracer and Genji.

Once you hit Gold though, you’ll meet a vast array of people. Some players in Gold are aiming for the big leagues, whereas others might have just started out or been recently promoted from Silver. Either way, you’ll come across some people who want to play a lone wolf kind of game, while others are more interested in forming a viable team composition. In Gold, you’ll see players who have ‘mains,’ meaning that they play the same hero most of the time in order to become especially competent at performing that individual hero’s role.

See the Unseen. Winning or losing in Overwatch is all about opportunities. You miss some – you lose some games. You see some and use them properly – you will win. More experience you got – more chances to see these opportunities if you are fully focused on the game. Did you ever wonder why all these people who are involved in Overwatch Boosting are having crazy winrate amount at your Skill Rating? The answer is simple – they probably see x10 times more opportunities and bring them to life. You Can’t Win Every Game. This rule is pretty simple – so yeah, there are actually games that you just can’t win, even though the amount of such games is pretty small. But don’t ever let these games put you on a tilt. So here comes the next rule.

Skill rating improvement tip: Don’t stress minute SR changes: You want to win all your games, of course—but the thing is, you’re not going to. The way Overwatch is balanced means that players will lose games, roughly the same amount that are won. Your SR is going to fluctuate, which means there will be losing streaks with dips. But remember that Overwatch’s ranking system is doing its job when this happens, and you’ll likely even out. Alternatively you can try to use a professional skill rating improvement provider. See additional info at Overwatch Boost.

Mastering a role is difficult, but with practice, you’ll come to learn how most heroes in your pool operate and how to utilize them efficiently. Tank players should always be looking for ways to protect their teammates and make space for them, whilst also taking as little damage as possible themselves. Supports have to use good positioning and movement to make themselves harder to attack, and damage dealers should focus on honing their aim and using the space that tank players create for them. Unfortunately, there’s no specific tip we can give for this — it can only be learned through practice.